Breedersprofile of the breeder of Chrissikos by Clooney-passion for show jumping

At the licensing of Southern Germany end of January at the Olympic riding area at München-Riem the breeder Nikolaus Chrissikos/ Pocking presented his first premium stallion named Chrissikos. 

A very good success for a man who does only breed horses for 11 years and only refers to breeding like a hobby. The 37 year old bavarian breeder took over a family company 16 years ago - the Idee & Druck Scheidemandel GmbH/ Pocking, created by his grandfather. Chrissikos himself had been a successful show jumper up to 135 cm, but lack of time made him retire. Instead of riding he took on the breeding of show jumpers. Asked why he breeds show jumpers, he answers: Because I wanted to hear this phrase at the competitions: Breeder is the same person as the owner and the rider.

Both his mares Nappalapapp NC and Her Lady Gipsy are stabled at a open stable at the Austrian city Zell an der Pram.

With his first mare N-Hawai by Alcatraz/ Landgraf I he started to breed in 2004 and directly with her first daughter Nappalapapp NC by Lanciano, he had a very good breeding success. Finishing her mare performance test in Kreuth in 2010, she was admitted to the National Show in Munich-Riem. Already with foal by her side, she successfully completed the performance test and it was quite excellent for her breeder and owner that she was proclaimed state premium. Currently Nappalapapp NC is competing successfully in show jumping ridden by Helmut Schönstetter and did win A 2 level this year she will be in foal to the recently licensed Chrissikos.

Her Lady Gipsy- mother of a licensed stallion

Before the 18 year old mare Her Lady Gipsy by Landkaiser/Campione- mother of a licensed stallion, was owned by Chrissikos, she gave birth to the two mares Harmony and Holiday. both by Quadrigus. The 9 year old Harmony was sold to Dubai and competes dressage up to Gernan L level. The 8 year old Holiday was sold to Switzerland and is a successful show jumper. 2007 Chrissikos did rent the mare Her Lady Gipsy to be in foal to Landprinz, the result is the now 7 year old Lord Lässig, sold by now and successful in youngster A** level show jumping, currently he is on M level. 2010 Her Lady Gipsy had another foal by Landprinz: Luis registered in Austria and competing in that country up to A level in show jumping. Chrissikos did like the pedigree and the offspring of Her Lady Gipsy, he did finally buy her in 2010 and bred her to the Holzeder stallion Clooney. The result was the handsome colt Chrissikos, who was discoverd by Henrik Klatte, Zuchthof Klatte at the foal presentation in 2012 at the Hengststation Holzeder in Malching, and he bought him. „He did look already gorgeous as a colt, just missing the teddybear sign in his ear “, said Chrissikos about the colt. 

At the licensing of southern Germany the stallion was licensed and named like his breeder Chrissikos, he was also awarded premium and is at stud at Zuchthof Klatte in Klein Roscharden. At the end of February the young stallion presented himself very good at the stalion presentation in  Lastrup togehter with the other show jumpers. This year Nikolaus Chrissikos plans another foal of this beautiful mare with the stallion Clooney. 

We wish this breeder from Pocking all the luck and success for his breeding in the future. 

A. Anselstetter

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