From succes to success!

After the wonderful success of Michael Viehweg and the 9 year old Avalon (Alvarez x Concorde) in Ingolstadt - Hagau 3 weeks since, now they are again successful;

Last weekend they participated at the Scharlachrennen in Nördlingen. At saturday afternoon they finished on a great 3rd place in the qualifyer to the bavarian championship, an advanced level course S**. But this was not enough, in the GP on Sunday they wanted to know it all:

the jump off of the 55. Nördlinger Scharlachrennen was decided by 0.3 seconds and  Michael and Avalon, finished second just for this little time. Simone Blum was the lucky winner. This small never had been the difference in between the winners. Congratulations to Michael and Simone for this wonderful success Nördlingen. 


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