Captain Future Z ( v. Chellano Z x Dollar de la Pierre) und Johannes Holzeder auf Siegestour

Successful youngster in Marklt at the river Inn

Captain Future Z – stallion , 4 years old, by Chellano Z x Dollar De la Pierre x Carthago

Just with the Youngsters in the van, Johannes drove to Marktl, to the installations of Richard Straubinger, enjoying excellent Indian summer weather.

In the 110 cm event, Johannes presented the young stallion Captain Future Z (Chellano Z x Dollar de la Pierre x Carthago) and they convinced the judges with his excellent canter, his powerful jump and his supreme ride ability and manner. Without any doubt, Johannes and Captain Future Z won this classification with a note of 8,3.

In the 120 cm class, Johannes started with Cosinella and Carlos. Both horses did a great flawless course and impressed the judges, the course was designed by Franz Schiermayer (AUT). The victory was for the 7 year old mare Cosinella with a note of 8,0 and the 3rd place was for the 5 year old gelding Carlos (Conterno Grande x Stakkato) with 7,7.

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